Ironically, I'm not alone in my writerly need for solitude. Shriking Violets Promotions has 475 followers, plus many more closet readers, no doubt. According to the Shrinking Violets Bill of Rights, I have the right to choose the type of promotion best suited to my "unique style."
So, let's think about some options, starting with that social media thing you're supposed to get immersed in long before your book comes out so that you have a following.
Me? A following? I guess it might be fun to try to connect with people online. It's not like I have to throw a huge face-to-face, dress-up formal party or anything, right? If nobody shows up I don't even have to know, as long as I don't read my stats.
Social Media options
Website and blog -- Working on it here.
Facebook or Myspace page -- Got a blank Facebook page. Guess I'd better make it friendlier.
Twitter -- Just don't get it. Mark Coker of Smashwords says he didn't get it at first either, but now thinks it's a great tool. I'd better figure it out, even if it turns out not to be for me.
Admit to family, friends, and coworkers that you write -- "My name is Dawn August Baertlein, and I am a writer. I have been writing now for more than 20 years."
Hark! I hear polite AA-style clapping! Oh wait. That's just my weird imagination?
There's a lot more to marketing and promotion, but my style is to take it a little at a time.