1) Get a copyright -- I think you can go straight to http://www.copyright.gov/ and apply directly. Or there's also https://www.legalzoom.com/.
2) Get an ISBN number -- http://www.isbn.org/standards/home/index.asp. It looks like you need one for every format in which you publish. So one for the Kindle e-book, one for the Nook e-book, one for the Create Space Print on Demand (POD) paperback. Oy! And they're about $125 each, from what I can see.
3) Buy my domain. (I'll probably go ahead and do it through Weebly. My good friend Siri, who knows her stuff, seemed to think this was a good way to go.) ***Postscript: Done!
4) Create a cover design. (Yippee! I get to exercise my visually artistic side! Sure hope it hasn't gotten too flabby from lack of exercise.)
5) Figure out who to publish with -- ebooks on Kindle and/or Smashwords (for Nook and other formats). Amazon's Create Space for print on demand. I think I'll start with Kindle and work down the list, provided things go smoothly.
6) Read/edit the manuscript yet again for content and consistency. (That's right. Don't forget the most important part. Make sure the book is perfect. Well, as perfect as possible in the totally subjective world of literature where perfection is in the eye of the bookholder.)
7) Format the manuscript to meet the requirements for the chosen publisher(s). Oh look! Smashwords has a free ebook style guide on how to format your ebook! http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/52. Reading material for tonight.
I haven't felt this excited in a long time. It's like I finally grabbed hold of my own destiny, and no matter where it takes me at least I am in the driver's seat for a change. Onward!!