I'm revisiting Gray Foxes because I feel so fortunate that they keep revisiting me! (My original Glorious Gray Fox post was back in August)
In early September we started seeing what looked like a mom and two pups about the size of large cats, barely smaller than the "mom." Gray Foxes breed from about February to March and have a 53-day gestation period, according to Vermont Fish and Wildlife, which I recognize is a far hop from Arizona, but this is a beautiful website!
Additionally, the site says the gray fox is "also known as the flying fox or tree fox because unlike most canids the gray fox has semi-retractable claws, which enable it to climb." If you want to see my foxes in trees, check out my August Gray Fox post. It's true. They climb like cats.
As with the Cows last week, foxes quite enjoy my birdbaths. Living in the high desert is thirsty business.
Sometimes you have to wait your turn. There's a pecking order...
...and I'm at the bottom. When I forget to fill the birdbath, I receive little reminder gifts.
I love my foxes just the same. Hope they have brightened someone else's day as well.