So much has changed, yet she barely remembers what life was like before. She doesn’t even remember who Jenna was, let alone know who she is now.
Trying to recall her past, she watches home movies of herself growing up, hours upon hours of them with her always at the center of everything. Jenna was so adored, she realizes.
Now she is sheltered, protected, hovered over. Except by her grandmother, who seems to have a strange antipathy toward her. Why? From the home movies and what little she remembers she and her grandmother used to be close.
Mary E. Pearson paints a futuristic world, complete with questions about scientific ethics and what constitutes the soul. Jenna and her friends and neighbors are complex and interesting characters with secrets and subtleties that make the story compelling in so many ways.
The Adoration of Jenna Fox is recommended for grades 8 and up. You can watch a book trailer at Amazon.com to help you decide if this would be a good read for you. I loved it.
Happy Reading!